
21st June 2024 4

Right then! Having brought you up to date last time what have we been doing this trip? After our usual pre-ferry stopover at Canterbury Park [more…]

How It’s Going

2nd December 2023 2

Jesús Pobre! It might sound like something you’d shout if you hit your thumb with a hammer, but it isn’t. More later. It’s been a [more…]

Settling In

17th November 2023 0

Before looking at how we’re settling in, I wanted to say that our last post was full of flippant references to the delays and storms [more…]


15th November 2023 2

Monday: Ting-ting!  Oh! It’s a message from Brittany Ferries. “You know that ferry to Spain you booked for Wednesday? Well there’s a big storm coming in [more…]


20th May 2023 4

Well that’s quite a setting above for our next-to-last night in France! But we don’t want to hear about that yet, do we?  “No!” shouts [more…]


14th May 2023 0

After our disturbed night’s sleep in Lekeitio last time, we elected to make an early start to pack as much as we could into the [more…]


10th May 2023 2

We left you last time in Mimizan, enjoying the May Day celebrations. The location was so nice that we considered staying another day but… weather. [more…]


5th May 2023 0

How have you been? You might have noticed we haven’t been in touch for a few days. Well, we don’t like to bombard our subscribers [more…]

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