
Google Map of Dénia
Dénia. Home for 4 weeks 🙂

Monday: Ting-ting! 

Oh! It’s a message from Brittany Ferries.

“You know that ferry to Spain you booked for Wednesday? Well there’s a big storm coming in so we’re sailing on Tuesday instead. Just thought we’d let you know.”


“You know we said we were sailing on Tuesday? Well we still are, but much later than we said. But we still need you to check in at the original time. Yeah, you can just sit for three or four hours in the queue at the port. Oh, and the café will be closed. Probs a good idea to book a hotel in Santander as we’ll be well late getting there.”

Wednesday: Ting-ting!

“Ha ha! Hope the sea-sickness isn’t too bad folks! You know we said we’d be late into Santander? Well we have to go round this storm which will take us another twelve hours. So that hotel you booked online? Best cancel it as we’ll be arriving at 7 in the morning. Oh, and there’s no internet by the way, soz!”

So welcome to yet another trip full of mayhem and disaster!

How have you been? It’s a looong time since we last spoke. Nothing personal, but we haven’t really been doing much in the way of Vince travels this summer. The odd weekend here, an occasional family visit there. Not the sort of stuff you’d find too interesting I suspect.

Even with this trip I’m talking to you under false pretences. It was supposed to be six weeks-ish travelling down through France to Spain for a little autumn sunshine, good food and a general lazy time of it. But we’d put our apartment up for sale a few weeks earlier, as you do, just to see what the market was like. 

For sale sign

Our estate agent said not to have any unrealistic expectations… slow market… cost of living crisis… may take a while… expect low offers etc. So we thought stuff it, let’s go to Spain and leave them to it. But. We were pleasantly surprised by the number of viewings, and within a couple of weeks we had an offer. 

If you’ve been with us since we started these ramblings, when we sold the forever home of over 20 years to downsize and go travelling, this will be the fourth prospective home we’ve had to find! And that doesn’t include several months living in Vince between houses.

All I can say is that this time it’ll be the last one for a while. Probably.

Anyway, with having to deal with the sale and all the solicitor stuff, not to mention finding a new house pretty quickly and getting things moving on the purchase, we missed our 6 week window for travelling with Vince. We need to be back a couple of weeks before Christmas to fit in with family plans.

What to do?

The way these things often happen, a coincidental email from Brittany Ferries landed in my inbox saying “Fancy four weeks in the sun? Ferries included?”

When we did the arithmetic, taking the car over and staying in an apart-hotel worked out significantly cheaper than Vince’s ferry tickets alone. Sorry old chap; no more Travels With Vince, this time it’s Vacaciones con Juan Tiguan!

Tiguan on the way to Dénia
Juan Tiguan

So here we are in Denia, on the east coast of Spain just north of Javea and a half hour tram ride from (whisper) Benidorm. You may remember we stayed here briefly some time ago (click here) and liked the area very much. This time at least, we won’t be sleeping in a supermarket car park!

An apart-hotel is a new concept for us. We’re staying at the Ona Ogisaka Garden where we have a teeny-tiny kitchen area, a living area with sofas and a TV (120 channels, all in Spanish) a bedroom and a bathroom. All very civilised. The complex has indoor and outdoor pools, a gym (haha!) a sauna and a restaurant & bar. 

As we speak we’re looking up the various activities and attractions in the area. It’s a trip with a difference; the jury’s out on whether this will be better than a Vince trip, worse, or just different…

We’ll let you know how it’s going soon 🙂

As always, a click or a tap on any image will reveal it in all its glory.

Palm trees in the sunshine

Bougainvillea in Dénia

Palm tree in the sunset

About Ken Tomlinson 219 Articles
Semi-retired biker, blogger and world’s best grandad. Doesn’t take life too seriously. Discovered motorhoming in 2015, sold up and downsized to fund more travels. Now with added Yorkshire.

2 Comments on Dénia

  1. Nice to see you out and about it will be interesting to see how you get on. Earlier in 23 we did a 6 week trip, through France down the east coast to Nerja and back via Granda. Great trip BUT a lot of driving for 6 weeks and like you I reckon it’s cheaper to fly drive AirBNB. However does it lack spontaneity of Motorhoming? Let us know soon.

    • Hi Mike thanks for your comment!

      Yes, it definitely feels weird to be here without the motorhome. Coincidentally the longest we’ve stayed in one place in Spain was Nerja. Great place.

      With the motorhome we love that spontaneity – if we want to move on, we move on. But we’re finding so many parts of Dénia we missed first time round. Without prejudging I think we’re going to end up deciding it’s just a different kind of break. There’s room for both Vince-ing and staying put in our lives! 😀

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