Silent Night….not.

Arkland Cottage, Penpont in Dumfries & Galloway

Phew! That there Storm Barbara is really making her presence felt as I write from a hillside in Dumfries & Galloway. Vince was a-rockin’ and a rollin’ last night for all the wrong reasons as the gale blew and the rain lashed down. The worst thing is she’ll be following us down to Yorkshire tomorrow for even more wind-related malarkey.

We travelled here yesterday on a day which really didn’t seem to get started. It was as if the sun opened one eye, saw the dark clouds and the rain and went back to bed again. We were in a state of drawn-out dusk all day.

The previous three nights were spent at Gill’s parents’ house in Rumbling Bridge near Kinross in Fife. Rumbling Bridge owes its name to to the fast flowing river running through a deep gorge where there’s a bridge…under which the river er….rumbles. Sadly I can’t show you any pics as I had no time for walks due to the list of jobs saved up for me since my last visit. Fix this, paint that, wire up the other – it was never-ending. And that’s before we visited the mad Auntie (only kidding Aileen)* who had an even longer list. I don’t know why I bother visiting sometimes. 😉 We love them really.

Best advent calendar ever at Rumbling Bridge

Most of our run here from Rumbling Bridge was on the motorway but the last section was single-track, uppy downy round & roundy roads – eek! My prayers to the god of motorhome travellers paid off as we didn’t meet a soul coming the other way. I don’t know what we’d have done if there had been anyone as although there were passing places, they were waterlogged and full of soft mud. We might have got Vince in but I’d be surprised if we’d have got him out again. Oh wait a minute, we have to drive those roads back to the motorway in the morning…. I’d better start praying again.

One of the advantages of bringing Vince this year is that we can park up outside our relatives’ houses but don’t have to keep packing and unpacking all our clothes & toiletries etc. We just stroll in, eat all their food, drink all their wine, then pop back into Vince to sleep. In fairness there are advantages both ways – no bedding to change and no queues for the loo in the morning!

It’s off to Yorkshire tomorrow for the big day. We’re staying near the heritage village of Saltaire where 24 residents are selected each year to decorate and light up a window as an advent calendar, so we’re looking forward to the unveiling of number 24 tomorrow evening. I shall take some pics tomorrow (not all 24!) in case you decide to visit next year.

Our only slight worry is the easy-going chat we had with the campsite. We rang them last month to book, but they said just to turn up as they’re not that busy over Christmas. I really hope they haven’t forgotten us and closed up for the holiday. I’ll let you know in a day or so.

Meanwhile I hope you enjoy a peaceful family Christmas, and if you’re not with family – please consider yourselves part of ours 🙂 Thank you so much for following our travels in 2016.

Lots of love from Ken & Gill

*No I’m not…

Did I say dysfunctional?
Rumbling Bridge sunset
Happy Christmas!
About Ken Tomlinson 219 Articles
Semi-retired biker, blogger and world’s best grandad. Doesn’t take life too seriously. Discovered motorhoming in 2015, sold up and downsized to fund more travels. Now with added Yorkshire.

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