Flanders Fail

Today we finally tore ourselves away from Ypres and headed north to Bergues. We had Bruges in mind but couldn’t see any reasonably priced places to stay within walking or cycling distance. Mr Google said that Bergues is the “Bruges of West Flanders” so with that recommendation what could possibly go wrong?

I shall be having a stern word or two with Mr Google next time we meet. Bruges has a canal network. Bergues has a canal. Bruges has a thriving, bustling art community. Bergues has a sullen stubbled Gauloise-smoking driver of a tourist tram. Bruges has little boutiques selling crafts and designer goods. Bergues has a Spar. The rain didn’t help.

I’m being a little unkind – but only a little! Its saving grace is that there’s a free – yes free – Motorhome parking area where we’ll spend tonight before making a quick getaway in the morning. We plan to cut round the sticky-out bit and head south-west towards St Valery-sur-Mer. We think we’ve found a lovely spot by the sea but it only takes 10 vans. More info tomorrow if we manage to squeeze in.

Gill in Bergues
Gill in the rain at one of many Bergues tourist attractions
About Ken Tomlinson 220 Articles
Semi-retired biker, blogger and world’s best grandad. Doesn’t take life too seriously. Discovered motorhoming in 2015, sold up and downsized to fund more travels. Now with added Yorkshire.

1 Comment on Flanders Fail

  1. Glad you are both enjoying your adventure so far, looking forward to reading your next instalment & dreaming about my own travels when Adam is old enough to abandon!!! Xxx

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