Phew – What a Scorcher!

Market day in Sarlat-la-Canéda
Market day in Sarlat-la-Canéda

Well, our weather prediction yesterday was spot-on. 28 degrees – scorchio! We started the day with breakfast outside for the first time this trip, then got the boring stuff out of the way like filling up with water & hanging out the washing. Bus monitor Gill worked out the times and fares then we set off to town in a bus which was smaller than Vince!

Saturday is market-day in Sarlat-la-Canéda, and it was certainly very busy. We heard many languages spoken as we wandered the streets, French, Dutch, English and even Yorkshire. We both agreed that this is our new favourite as the market occupied the full length of the long straight main street in the old town, but all along the street you could duck into side alleys and find hidden squares with churches, cafés, shops and restaurants. It’s a lovely place to sit with a café-au-lait and people-watch – so we did! Like most of the area the buildings are a warm golden colour from the local sandstone with roses, ivy and wisteria climbing the walls, and everything (unusually for France) was clean and litter-free. I hope that comes across in the photos.

imageAs part of our (occasional) keep-fit plan we decided to walk the 5km back to the campsite. Not our wisest decision in the heat, although we sensibly had plenty of water to keep us going. The slog back wasn’t helped by my idea to pick up fresh supplies of loo chemicals as we’re getting a bit low. They were pretty heavy to carry all the way back – so well done Gill! (Just kidding, I swear my arms are longer than when we left).

We rewarded ourselves with a lazy afternoon in the sun with the awning out, lunch on the verandah and a wee refreshment or two. I paid er.. €4.50 for a UK newspaper so made sure I read every word of it, twice, and we’re doing the crossword in pencil so we can rub it out and do it again in a day or two when we’ve forgotten the answers.

For our evening meal, Gill had bought some reduced barbecue food at the supermarket so we got cooking in the late evening sunshine. When we bit into the sausages we realised why the price had been reduced. Those innocent-looking bangers were stuffed with tasty pork and very strong blue cheese! I’m sure I can still taste them nearly 24hrs later…

As it was so hot we turned in leaving the table and chairs outside, and all the skylights wide open for some fresh air.

River of rainwater running down the window!
River of rainwater running down the window!

Yet another decision we’ve lived to regret as it absolutely chucked it down in the night (and has been doing so ever since, hence the Sunday afternoon blog post). We woke to thunder and an ominous sound of dripping as the rain trickled into the van from the skylights. So…we find ourselves at our next destination, Rocamadour, unable to go out in the lashing rain, squeezing round our half-folded garden chairs which are dripping on plastic bags, and watching the carpets gently steam in the warmth from the blown-air heating. This is the life 😀

We hope to get out to see Rocamadour if the rain eases off, it’s supposed to be spectacular as the town is perched on a huge rock with views all round. We’ll also need to find some fuel as we’re in the midst of (yet) another strike by the French refinery workers. This is the fourth strike which has affected our trip in six weeks – and it’s making me all nostalgic for the 1970’s. Happy days.


A wander round the back strets led us to this Church with ancient graves. The inscriptions had all worn away leaving only the sword visible.
A wander round the back strets led us to this Church with ancient graves. The inscriptions had all worn away leaving only the sword visible.

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About Ken Tomlinson 219 Articles
Semi-retired biker, blogger and world’s best grandad. Doesn’t take life too seriously. Discovered motorhoming in 2015, sold up and downsized to fund more travels. Now with added Yorkshire.

1 Comment on Phew – What a Scorcher!

  1. Looks like things are warming up – with the ideal of hot sun during the day and rain (if any) during the night!! Hope the sun shines again tomorrow to dry you out! Sounds like you’re getting a real taste of (or for?) French village life. Enjoy muchly. Lol

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