Amazon Bonanzanon!

Only five weeks to departure – eek!

This weekend we put all our dozens of lists together to see where we are with our preparations for four months away. The big things are all done, we think: insurances, breakdown cover, passports and EHIC cards. Vince is fully serviced and pretty much ready to go.

We found a number of things tucked away on scraps of paper and on iPhone reminders which needed attention however. On advice, we bought a gas barbecue as Vince has a BBQ point under the awning but we didn’t have the hose & connector – ordered. Charcoal BBQ’s are lovely but cleaning & storage could be a problem on the road. Vince comes with a table we can take outside but we need a little folding table to stand the BBQ on – ordered. We tried a few folding chairs, some were cheap & not very robust, some were very comfy but weighed a ton and cost a fortune. In the end we chose these – ordered. Ken used to be a shore angler many many years ago. He thought it would be fun to catch a few mackerel for the barbie if we’re on the coast, so fishing tackle – ordered!

There are various legal bits & pieces we need; a warning triangle, bulb kit, Hi-vis vests and a warning board to attach to the bike rack for Spain – ordered.

We’ve given up trying to figure out the TV wiring in Vince, two TV’s is overkill anyway – we don’t intend to watch much so brackets are being swapped around in order to watch one TV via satellite or aerial in the lounge area and forget about the second TV in bed. We’ll figure out how to get both working when we come back. All we need is a longer satellite cable – ordered!

The latest model of the Autosleeper Broadway FB has a habitation door with a built-in flyscreen. Poor Vince doesn’t so we need a length of voile and a telescopic rail to hang it on. These don’t need any screws or hooks so will be ideal to keep the bugs out when we finally reach the warm weather! Ordered.

And we spotted one final omission – we hadn’t booked our return ferry, oops! That’s been ticked off too – all systems go for 12 April we hope.

If you can think of anything else let us know – but FYI we already have a kitchen sink 😉


About Ken Tomlinson 220 Articles
Semi-retired biker, blogger and world’s best grandad. Doesn’t take life too seriously. Discovered motorhoming in 2015, sold up and downsized to fund more travels. Now with added Yorkshire.

1 Comment on Amazon Bonanzanon!

  1. Today’s been a booking day for us too , tunnel booked for 25 April outbound and the end of October for the return . See you in Najac !!

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