Gauguin For It

We decided on a little familiarity today. When our children were small and we used to do Eurosites-type camping trips to Brittany, we found the little town of Pont-Aven which remains one of our favourite places in France. As it’s not far from Trinité-sur-Mer we set off mid-morning and took in a quick shopping trip in Lorient along the way.

Pont-Aven is very much an artists’ place with dozens of galleries where painters are trying to emulate the success of the town’s most famous son – Paul Gauguin. Neither of us are art experts but we both very much like the work of one of Pont-Aven’s current residents, Bernard Morinay. We have a couple of his signed prints at home as we can’t afford any originals, sadly. His work really captures the spirit and colours of Brittany.

Today’s post is more a photo diary really as we haven’t done much other than visit the galleries then head to the coast for our first attempt at wild-camping; finding a beauty spot and parking a bloomin’ great motorhome in it for the night.

These are two of Morinay’s works cheekily photographed in the window of his gallery which – surprise! – was closed on Bank Holiday Monday, d’oh! Followed by several snaps of the beautiful town of Pont-Aven and finally, our camping spot for tonight. You can enlarge any of the pics by clicking or tapping on them.

See you in the morning if we don’t get gassed & robbed by then eek!imageimage

A river-view room in this Michelin-starred hotel is €400 per night. Breakfast starts at €100 😱


About Ken Tomlinson 219 Articles
Semi-retired biker, blogger and world’s best grandad. Doesn’t take life too seriously. Discovered motorhoming in 2015, sold up and downsized to fund more travels. Now with added Yorkshire.

6 Comments on Gauguin For It

    • Thanks Rob! If you want to do my updates be my guest 😉
      I thought of you yesterday when Gill fell off her bike a couple of times in the woods…

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