Gone Native

PastisToday finds us in the port of Honfleur, talking to you like a native Frenchman whilst sipping a pastis, France’s favourite aperitif. Made with aniseed you’re supposed to dilute it 5 to 1 with water. I’m glad you do, as this bottle says 45% alcohol by volume on the front – eek!

Honfleur is a pretty harbour town built initially on commercial fishing but now caters more for yachting types in its picturesque harbour. Yes it’s a bit of a tourist trap but following Paul’s advice on yesterday’s post we’ll eat at a restaurant a little outside the main tourist area.

View from Vince's front window
The view from Vince’s front window 🙂

For the first time we’ve parked up with a view of the sea – well, a river heading to the sea at least. What’s it called again? Oh yeah the Seine, I’ve heard of that one. Tonight’s aire has cost us €11 for 24 hours and includes (yay!) electricity. Only 6amp mind, so no hairdryers or straighteners allowed – I’ll just have to tie my hair back I suppose 😉 We have a water and loo service point across the car park too so all told it’s pretty good value. Others seem to think so too – I’ve just counted 60 motorhomes on the aire. It doesn’t feel cramped though as there’s loads of space all along the river bank. After we’ve had a look around this evening we’ll decide if we want to stay for another day. It’s lovely and sunny so we’ll make the most of it before the predicted Arctic blasts arrive in a day or two.

Several hours later….

Well we’re definitely staying at least one extra day here, it’s lovely. I swore I wouldn’t post pictures of our food (I’ll probably fail in later posts…) but what a meal! On advice we stayed out of the touristy harbour area and found a restaurant a few streets away. The menu of the day was €13.50 and consisted of a cornucopia of crab, smoketastic salmon, a soupçon of shrimp and a panoply of prawns on a bed of dressed leaves. And that was just the starter! For mains I had sturgeon while Gill had the mussels and we finished with a massive crême brûlée each. Phwoaar.

And as it’s Tuesday we hurried back to Vince to catch Holby… See you in the morning 😉

Honfleur Port
Honfleur Port
Honfleur Port
Honfleur Port
About Ken Tomlinson 219 Articles
Semi-retired biker, blogger and world’s best grandad. Doesn’t take life too seriously. Discovered motorhoming in 2015, sold up and downsized to fund more travels. Now with added Yorkshire.

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