Redon Blues

This morning we chose Redon in Brittany as our destination. It lies at the meeting point of the Vilaine and the Oust rivers and is a staging post on the Nantes – Brest Canal built by Napoleon himself. I suspect Napoleon didn’t do any actual digging, but you get the idea. We’d read that there was lots to see and that there was a free aire overlooking the marina. What’s not to like?

Sadly Redon didn’t really live up to our guide book’s expectations. We’d been spoiled a bit I think, by our time spent in Vitré’s warren of medieval lanes. One place which did capture our attention was the Abbatiale Saint-Sauveur, a beautiful church:

These super-slim pillars...
These super-slim pillars…
...are supported by flying buttresses ( who supported Oasis on their last tour, I believe.
…are supported by the flying buttresses (who supported Oasis on their last tour, I believe.)
Beautiful stained glass
Beautiful stained glass


We returned to Vince after a wander but unfortunately we didn’t feel too keen on staying overnight. Mainly because the port area was litter-strewn and a bit run down. The graffiti didn’t help the ambiance either, so we dug out the guide books again. We liked the sound of one entry in the book – a little village on the coast with only five slots for motorhomes so we took a chance and left Redon to do battle with the evening traffic.

What a find! A little cove, an empty sandy car park (at least it was, until Monsieur Le French Bloke turned up for the night), a beach with gentle waves lapping on the shore and some late evening sunshine. What more could we ask for? Actually, I asked for a bottle of wine and a few nibbles! We took our snacks and our glasses down to the shore and saluted the sunset. Heaven.

We might even stay here for a bit more relaxation – it’s a stressful life on the road you know!*

*No it isn’t

Vince's home for the evening
Vince’s home for the evening
...and through this gap in the bushes...
…and through this gap in the bushes… this little cove :)
…is this little cove 🙂
Pouring the wine
Pouring the wine
About Ken Tomlinson 219 Articles
Semi-retired biker, blogger and world’s best grandad. Doesn’t take life too seriously. Discovered motorhoming in 2015, sold up and downsized to fund more travels. Now with added Yorkshire.

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