
Oh my goodness – so many checklists 🙁

It’s Sunday morning, the sun is out and here we are stuck indoors writing a virtual toilet roll of food checklists, clothes checklists, and don’t even talk to me about chargers and cables. When did life get so complicated? Isn’t motorhome life supposed to be about escape and freedom..?

Our anxiety about forgetting anything that isn’t on a checklist somewhere is purely based on lack of practice. At one time we could take an hour to pack up, fill up, then jump up into Vince’s cab and have a reasonable expectation of being fully equipped to face the road. With all that’s been going on of late we’ve found that some essentials have migrated out of Vince into sheds and cupboards. At the same time, during our house moves a few unexpected items seem to have found their way into his locker area. So that’s where my sander went!

Vince in storage
Vince’s new home. Just look at that smile!

Rewinding slightly, last week we finally relocated Vince to a much more local storage facility. We’re really chuffed. It’s only twenty minutes away, and to Vince’s delight – it’s indoors! No more standing all lonely out in the wind and the rain for our boy. Mind you, we do have to pay a bit extra for the privilege, but he’s worth it.

So at last I can announce with relief and excitement, that the 2021 season starts here! I’ll be banging on the door of the storage site at 8.30am tomorrow to bring Vince back to the apartment where those checklists will earn their keep. I apologise in advance to our neighbours too for squeezing our very large vehicle into our very small car park. We won’t block the entrance for long – honest!

Vince from above
Not much manoeuvring room there, boy…

By lunchtime Vince should be making stately progress through the lanes of North Yorkshire in a Whitbyly direction, following the scent of fish and chips on the breeze. It’s not the first time we’ve navigated in that manner, as eagle-eyed readers might remember from a long-ago Welsh trip. We’ll be visiting three pre-booked sites in North Yorkshire over seven days; we might even tack on a stop or two at the end using our favourite site-finding website. We’ll see how the weather goes.

Expect normal service to resume for a week or so with incisive blog posts full of wit and detailed reviews of our travels, including an analytical social commentary on the state of the travelling community in post-lockdown Britain. Or more realistically, more of my usual drivel 😀

Chat soon


About Ken Tomlinson 220 Articles
Semi-retired biker, blogger and world’s best grandad. Doesn’t take life too seriously. Discovered motorhoming in 2015, sold up and downsized to fund more travels. Now with added Yorkshire.

4 Comments on Checklists!

  1. How exciting to be off on the road again – in the freezing cold !
    Vince looks very regal in his new stately home under cover – be careful you might spoil him or give him ideas above his station !
    Enjoy your trip – navigating by food seems eminently sensible xx

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